5th Wall Gaming at RadCon!

From the incredibly fun 5th Wall group…
Sometimes, we here at 5th Wall Gaming tend to go a bit… Well… overboard on games we run. From putting in that little extra “umph” into our events. But this.. I think we are pushing the bounds of awesome this time.. Be prepared to have a character on the server that actually improves your gameplay in the simulation as you learn skills and such. But wait.. There’s more…

You can now (well, will be able to at the convention and after) be able to pick between Marines (who get more skills) or Officer School (which gives you that precious Captaining skill that acts like a multiplier to that crews XP for the Simulation)… But wait… What’s that? You want more??
I just finished up the code for something a bit more… special.. A bit to encourage Roleplaying… Here’s a hint…

Want to join this secret organization? You can’t… They recruit you, not the other way around.
Please head over to http://www.5thWallGaming.com and click on the “Event Schedule” to RSVP for a time slot (note that you need an account there first). They fill up fast and we were mobbed when we showed up last year and the time slots were taken up by Friday afternoon. So it is recommended that you get reserved for a timeslot ASAP.

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